One of the earliest commands Mom taught me was the phrase "Wanna go for a wa-a-lk?"
"Go" being a word that makes my ears perk right up.
"Wanna" is another word that gets me really excited. I know something wonderful is going to happen if Mom or Daddy says "Wanna....?" with a question-mark at the end.
Tonight, Mom opened up this box and inside were six leashes! I started jumping up and down! I know that a leash means it's time for a walk! Two leashes means both Hector and I are going! But six leashes?! What could we possibly need with six?
Mom put one leash over my head, and another over Hector's. She let us run around in the yard with the little leashes trailing off to the side for a minute, and then... after weeks of no walk... she actually took us up the road for a few minutes. I was so happy!!!!!
Mom heard something in the bushes. Hector perked up a little too much, and Mom turned us around and went back home. It was dark outside. I don't blame her.
Maybe we'll try again tomorrow, if it doesn't snow too much. I sure hope so. I saw her put those two little leashes in her coat pockets. She hung two others up on the rack in the kitchen; and put two more in her pocketbook.